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Info card about the tours from Guided Motorhome Tours Europe

What would you show visiting friends?

It's the small details that still make them smile even years later, isn't it? Let's become friends and let us show you the Europe behind the cliches. Our tours give you the freedom to leave worn out paths, not bound to waterways, rails or tight schedules.

Detours are the plan, not unwelcome delays. Browsing the hinterlands on winding country roads, shopping at farmers' stalls beside the road and lunch next to a murmuring creek are part of the fun. Discover literally what there is around the corner and your photos will show lots of lovable memories. We know how to create them. We do live here.

Planned by and with locals. Perfected by you. What about wine tasting and local delicacies with a winegrower who lets us spend the night on his private property? What about visiting volunteers who are reconstructing a medieval village and are a little bit nervous about giving you an expert tour in English? We open the door - you step into a world of intimate hospitality, not just into seasonal sets.

We plan around your expectations, not around attractions. There are now so many beautiful places loved to death by an overwhelming number of visitors. Of course we want to give you the opportunity to see these spots, but our approach is to offer them as an option. At all our destinations we provide a variety of attractive sightseeing alternatives you might never have heard of. We don't just copy the common ideas and retrace them on wheels.

Coffee cup on a wooden table
Tour group on a campsite in Germany

Our Deals

Please ask about our group discount.

Minimum booking: two packages.

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